Saturday, April 30, 2011

My Political Soapbox

I the Great State of Utah, I am very much in the political minority.  I will read comments in forums in the local newspapers, and I just want to facepalm myself every time I read these.  I don't mind if people disagree with me politically, please just be informed in your opinion.

Today, my vexes are "Anchor babies" and the 17th Amendment.

First of all, why are dehumanizing an innocent child by calling them "Anchor baby"?  The child has done nothing wrong, and will ultimately suffer because of us.  Currently, the 14th amendment states that anyone born on US soil (with the exception of children of Ambassadors) is a United States Citizen.  No ifs, ands or buts.  That is fantastic.  Currently, there is a movement to repeal the 14th amendment.  Why?  I enjoy my citizenship because I was born here.

About a year ago, I read an article about a state senator in California that stated "It takes more than walking across the border to be a citizen, it takes soul"?  Really?  What part of being born here is "soul"  because that is exactly how he got his citizenship, and I got mine.  Heart and soul had no part in where I was born.  I was lucky, and so was he.

Requiring that a parent be a citizen or a legal resident to pass citizenship on the child is punishing the child for the "sins of the fathers".  Think about it, to prove your citizenship, you then have to prove your parents were citizens.  So when my grandchild goes to register to vote, they would need to prove that my daughter was here legally when he was born. 

The Scriptures claim this to be a land of promise, why are seeking to deny others the blessings of this land?  We are a nation built on immigration and strengthened through our differences.  Why are seeking to change what we know has worked in the past? 

Now the 17th amendment.  This has to be a Utah thing!  There are people, I read them everyday, that are pushing to take away my right to vote for senator (not that it does me any good since everyone here votes Republican).    They claim that the Founders intended the States to be represented, and this takes away their representation.  What a load of....lies.  Under James Madison, the States would have been done away with, and only the people represented!  Look at the Preamble..."We the People" not "We the States".  In this nation, the People are Sovereign, not the States. 

The whole point of senators being chosen by their States in the first place was because the Founding Fathers did not trust the uninformed farmer to make a wise decision when voting.  With today's technology, there is no excuse to be uninformed.  More direct representation is a good thing, even if I disagree with the nutcakes my states seems to keep electing.

I mean really?

1 comment:

  1. Good job Darrel. I read it out loud so my husband could listen too. He said that this piece was well written and it sounded like he agreed with you. NOw that's not an easy thing with my husband who is an intellectual and very well versed in what is going on in politics and especially Utah state and Montana state matters. Thumbs up from both of us!!!!
