Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Letter to Congressmen

Honorable Mr. Chaffetz,

I am Staff Sergeant Darrel Ross, a Soldier in the United States Army. 

I write this with fear as to how I am to feed my 3 young children (4, 3 and 2 years of age) and my wife if the Government shuts down.  I understand that I will be given back pay when the new budget is passed, but when that is unknown.  Backpay in May or June will not feed my kids in April, nor will it allow me to make my mortgage, provide them with water and electricity.

I understand that both parties are interested in blaming the other for the current situation.  I beg you to move past blame and provide a solution.  The welfare of my family is literally in the hands of 536 people, all of whom are Constitutionally guaranteed their salary, on time. 

I understand that you advocate cuts in spending.  While I admire this goal, I have to ask, is debating about whether or not NPR gets funding, or Planned Parenthood worth me having to explain to my 4 year old why her Father cannot provide for her?  Would you be willing to do that for me?

Please understand that if my pay is in anyway delayed, I will hold you personally accountable at the ballot box in 2012.  I will ensure that as many people as I can possibly reach and get a hold of do the same.

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