Sunday, January 9, 2011

How Politics and Government Should Operate

Here we go, I am going to solve all of the worlds problems in this posting.  The solution is so easy that many will think I am over simplifying or over generalizing.  Rest assured I am not.  If everyone will abide by these two simple rules, all of our problems will go away.

1) First and foremost, Love one another as Jesus loves you.

2) Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Loving one another with the love that Jesus has for them is often called Charity in the scriptures.  It is to love our fellow man without condition.  It is to love them without expectation that said love be returned.

Think about it.  If everyone had this love would we see homeless?  No, we would make a priority that they be sheltered and taken care of.  Would we need to see those sad commercials on TV of starving and sick children in Africa?  No, we would see that they have the same blessings of food and medical attention we enjoy.

Would we seek to call the man who has less then us lazy?  No, but find ways in which we can share that which we have with him.  A classic verse in the Bible reads "If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, and one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled: notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body, what doth it profit?"  Are we not all beggars in the end to the same God?

This leads me into the second point.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  This is often referred to as the Golden Rule.  If we would stop trying to take advantage of others, but treat them with the same respect we would hope they would treat us, the world would be rid of all ill will.  We would help others in need, with the hope that if the tables were turned, they would do the same to us.

If followed, think about it, what evil would still exist?  War would be gone, for you cannot go to war with someone you love, and mutually respect.  Greed would disappear, for we would share our excess with our brethren, and with the disappearance of Greed, covetousness would go away.  We would not have idleness, since they would have the self respect to earn their wage.  Neighbor would not quarrel with neighbor.  The court system and prison system would no longer be of need.  In short we would have Zion.

The problem is, not everyone is willing to live these two simple rules.  But why should that stop me from living them?

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